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Few Tips to Help You Deal With Homesickness While Studying Abroad

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  • Few Tips to Help You Deal With Homesickness While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is an incredible experience that allows you to see the world, discover a different culture, and meet new people. However, leaving the comfort of their home and moving to a new place often leaves students feeling lonely and homesick. 

For those who are unfamiliar with living away from home, homesickness brings the emotional anguish of being away from home in a foreign setting. Living hundreds of miles away from your friends and family, confusion and anxiety, lack of belongingness, and cultural shock can all contribute to the feeling of homesickness. 

Here are a few tips to beat the blues and deal with homesickness during your abroad education:

  • Meet new people

Making new acquaintances is the best method to battle homesickness and feelings of despair. Your new friends will help you in settling down, understand your adopted country better, and be the people you can explore the new place with. Other foreign students are in the same boat as you. They can understand your feeling of homesickness and provide the comfort you need. In no time, your new buddies will become your family and will make your study abroad experience worthwhile. 

  • Maintain your hobbies and find new ones

Just because you are in a different location doesn’t mean that you can’t sustain your older hobbies. Maintaining your old hobbies such as sports, dance, or music can help bring back a sense of familiarity and make you feel less isolated. Join communities or clubs where you meet people who share the same interests as you, and who knows, you may end up making new friends! You can also use this opportunity to discover new hobbies to keep yourself busy and entertained. 

  • Devote time to studies

Your time abroad is a crucial phase of your life and you must fully commit yourself to study. Having a study routine is essential as it helps you stay consistent with your academic commitments and imparts a sense of direction. Studying for a fixed amount of time daily helps eliminate feelings of confusion and uncertainty. To keep your negative thoughts at bay, focus on learning something new and keep working towards your goal. 

  • Travel

While studying in abroad does have its fair share of challenges, it also comes with a host of advantages, such as the opportunity to travel. Exploring a new place and getting to know its culture is extremely exciting, especially when you are travelling on your own for the first time. Research your host country and all that it has to offer. Having a travel bucket list gives you something to look forward to and takes your mind off anxieties and longing for home. 

  • Take a break from social media

If you are spending too much time looking through other people’s posts on social media, chances are you will end up feeling homesick. Limit your social media usage to keep a check on the amount of content you are consuming online. 

  • Follow a routine

Following a healthy regimen might help you regain a sense of control. Proper sleep, regular exercise, and a nutritious diet will improve your life, no matter where you are, especially if you are living in a new place and battling homesickness. 

  • Give yourself time

 Studying abroad is a big step in your life and it is natural for you to feel overwhelmed by the changes around you. Be kind to yourself and be grateful for the opportunities you have. Stay connected to your friends and families. Continue to do the things you enjoyed doing at home. Cook your favourite dish and journal your thoughts. And, most importantly, continue to remind yourself why you wanted to study abroad in the first place. 

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